Kim E's Flowers, Your Local Clermont Florist
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Featured Floral Arrangements
Flower delivery in Clermont
We're a real brick and mortar florist located 4 miles from the center of Clermont.
Love this place and my new go to when I am in town
The young lady at the front which I should know her name but she is young sweet always pleasant and kind Very knowledgeable
Great variety and she always surprises me
Flowers for my mom
She makes it happen
Wonderful florist to work with! I needed to send flowers and since I am not from the area I looked at the Google reviews and discovered Kim E’s. Ordered the designers choice and when I saw a picture of the arrangement they created I called to say thank you as it was more amazing than I expected.
Shannon Pitts
I got some flowers and made some DIY centerpieces. Very cute shop!!!
I recently stopped in, and have been wanting to swing by for years, I love the display you guys do for the holidays! Amy was the sweetest and made the most beautiful boquet ever, and the bow!!😍 I will Def be back!!